Emergency Help

If you have an urgent concern for your or a friend's immediate safety call 999 to get help from the Police, Ambulance or Fire Services – they are all there for you.

Are you feeling really low, or even suicidal? You can confidentially call Childline on 0800 1111, 24 hours a day every day with any concern.

These other confidential freephone services can also help…

  • Papyrus HopeLine UK 0800 068 4141 preventing young suicide (open 9am to midnight all year round)
  • Samaritans 116 123
  • www.giveusashout.org 24/7 national text support line 85258, for any young person struggling to cope

If you are concerned or worried you may be pregnant or are looking for emergency contraception take a look at our local services page to find help close to you.